Some introductory information for beginners and a place to post your own questions.
Are you Curious about RC bikes?
Do you want to get into the sport but don’t know where to start?
Have you got an RC bike but need help learning how to steer it?
Has the RC bike bug got you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you will find all the information contained in this document useful in making a decision about getting into the sport and getting the basics sorted.
It might seem a little daunting at first, with huge variety of Kits and Bikes available it is good to know a little about your options.
There are five main scales that RC bikes are available in, 1/18 , 1/10 , 1/8 , 1/5 and 1/4 scale. RC Bikes are something a little different from the usual RC cars and trucks found in all hobby stores. RC bikes look and perform exactly like there 1:1 counterparts. They are fantastic to watch on the track, and even better when you’re the one in control of it.
With extreme lean angles, power slides, wheelies and even endos getting into RC bikes will bring you hours of enjoyment and rewardingly challenging. The small bikes weigh as little as few hundred grams and are powered with brushless electric motors, while the larger 1/5 and 1/4 scale bikes weigh around 2- 3 Kg and have nitro or electric power options. Just like a full scale bike, RC bikes accelerate very quickly, they are very agile and can reach speeds in excess of 90kph.
1/10 and 1/8 Scale bikes are predominately only available in electric versions. These bikes are a personal favorite of ours. Their size makes them perfect for the many 1/10 scale or 1/8 and 1/5 scale tracks we have in Australia. These bikes are available as build kits or ARR and RTR spec. They are a popular choice for beginner and experienced RC bikers.
No matter what scale bike you choose they offer an amazing spectacle in any weather, wet or dry you will see them battling for every inch of tarmac. Typically the smaller bikes use 1/16 car electronics and the larger 1/5 and 1/4 bikes use 1/10 car esc and motors and they use standard 7.4 Volt batteries.

Controlling an RC bike is an acquired skill, it is very different to driving a car which is one of the main attractions to this sport
I bought csx3ii just because I have 1/10 scale cars, you could say I have the bike bug I own two Suzuki's, one gsxr 750 and a M109r. There's nothing like a fast bike if you can find a place to ride, luckily I live close to British Columbia, mmmmmountain roads! Looking forward to ripping the csx3 around! Question, are there any 1/10 scale dirt bikes, rc of course?
Hi Jeff,
I would recommend the ZH-417B as a perfect fit for your requirements. The quality of the Kit is fantastic and it's easy to use, Part support is excellent and the bike comes with body and tyres, all you need is some 1/10 electronics which we can also provide and package up a complete kit for you to suit your needs and budget.
Thanks for your advice and useful info Dave! As your suggestion, I will go with 1/5 scale. However, which model do you recommend for best quality, durability, & race ready electric bike that you have in stock? Somewhere like mid class level not like top notch level bike, something I can afford. Also, let's not forget the parts availability and support. Thanks, Jeff
Hi Jeff,
The most popular scale world wide is 1:5 Electric. The reason being they handle the best and can handle bumps and track character much better. 1/10 scale not much to choose from other than X-riders CX-3II. 1:8 Bikes there are a few manufacturers to choose from. Something between Pro and Beginner in 1:8 bikes i would say X-Rider Saturn which has the Gyro and non Gyro back wheel options, making it really easy for beginners and also accommodating the more advanced. The ZH-216B also a great option but without a rear wheel gyro. (Just means a little more learning curve) The ZH-216B is a race ready machine.
My Advice would be if your interested in getting into some racing at the club level, Choose a 1:5 bike and start there. Being bigger they will be easier to learn with and take racing. All our range of bikes are Hobby Grade, and all of excellent quality. All our bikes have great part support and tech support direct from manufacture.
Hope that helps..
What is the most popular scale for the pro level of RC electric motorcycle racing class? Which model do you recommend for the 1/10 or 1/8 scale class electric motorcycle bike? I don't want the entry level grade bikes, I want to start with a bike somewhere in between pro and semi pro level... Any suggestion or advice?