1/5 Scale Electric and Nitro Bikes racing as support class for the 1/5 scale sedan and Mini state sanctioned championships. Entry is $50.00 per Biker.

Come along to this Awesome event at the little Hampton 1/5 scale track in South Australia. With world class facilities including undercover pits, well equipped canteen and plenty of room for parking and spectators. more details about the track can be found at, http://rrcsa.weebly.com/. Registration via MyRcm.com
I cant wait should be great fun ,ill be down the rear end with my retro sb5 having a laugh all the way bring it on
What are you getting?
hopefully I will have my new bike by this event so I can try it on the Adelaide track. cant wait
Unfortunately this event will only have electric bikes racing.
It is a brilliant track for bikes. A good variety of turns and changes in elevation and camber make it a challenge to get a fast lap. Once mastered, consistency is the key to a fast race.
Awesome clip of the last event held with Bikes at Little Hampton. looking forward to an even bigger turnout in 2018. Wonder how the lap times will compare...