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Hobby Wing FLYFUN 20A V5 ESC


Hobbywing Flyfun 20A V5 Speed Control HW30202308


The new FlyFun V5 series has been designed from scratch.
Externally recognizable is the minimalist structure, which significantly reduces the weight compared to the ESCs with solid aluminum heatsink.
Inside, the pilots are still offered the fullest functionality thanks to high-quality built-in electronic components.




DEO Driving Efficiency Optimization Technology
Soft and prompt response of the controller function
Higher efficiency, longer flight time
Lower operating temperature and reliable operation
4 different braking modes including thrust reverser
Braking effect with 8 adjustments
Soft start adjustable (normal / soft / very soft)
LiPo undervoltage protection adjustable (off / 2.8V - 3.8V)
Timing adjustable (0° - 30°)
And a lot more to do



Cont./Peak Current: 20A / 30A
Cells: 2s - 4s
BEC Voltage: 5.2V
BEC Output: 2,5A / 4A
Cable/Cable length: 16AWG / 100mm
Plug Battery/Motor: ohne / 3.5mm Plug
Dimensions: 25x15x5mm
Weight: 13g
Optional: HW30501003 Program Box LED Universal


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